About Neck and Shoulder Pain
VDT (Video Display Terminal) syndrome is common to people who work at desks all day, for staring at a computer screen for a prolonged time strains the cervical spine, especially the C5, C6, and C7 regions. Shoulder blade pain is also caused by this position, and overusing laptops, ebooks, tablets, and smartphones, all lead to straining the cervical spine and shoulders.
And we not only treat VDT syndrome effectively, but also TMJ symptoms, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff pain and tear, shoulder bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, brachial plexus injury, myofascial pain syndrome, and turtle neck syndrome.
Treating Neck and Shoulder Pain
The neck and shoulder region is an integrated region consisting of multiple connected muscle fibers, fascia ligaments, and tendons. Thus, focusing on one joint or muscle tissue cannot fully treat neck and shoulder pain.
But direct muscle acupuncture can immediately relieve the tension of specific muscle tissues and fascias, and will improve your range of motion (ROM) within just few sessions.