About Sports Injury
Sports injuries are mostly soft tissue strains or sprains of related muscular structures, and in comparison, bone fracture is less common. And when acupuncture therapy is added to conventional rehabilitation and occupational therapies, soft tissue injuries require shorter recovery time.
Without proper warm up and post workout stretching, acute and chronic fasciitis and tendonitis can occur in most sports. Like when playing 18 holes of golf, with extensive walking, the tendons around the ankle or the heel can be strained causing plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis
Running, whether it be marathons or short jogs, strain the Achilles tendon if the runner’s posture is offset. Chondromalacia patella – anterior knee pain – is a common symptom of many runners. Usually it’s an on and off recurring pain in the lower or side of the knee, or swellings after running up and down the hills.
Treating Sports Injury

Sports injuries should be treated with a combination of acupuncture, physical therapy, and acupressure to bring out the best result. As acupuncture can bring immediate alleviation to tennis elbows and golf elbows, golf swing pain or flank pain. And with acupuncture and thermal therapy, plantar fasciitis, heel spur pain, hamstring pain, Achilles tendonitis can also be treated effectively, as well as chondromalacia patella.