Project Description

(631) 459~9191
Ura Shin, D-TCM, L.Ac
After having spent 4 years researching as a staff chemist and studying biology, Ura matriculated into the OrientalMedicine program at New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She began her clinical training in Long Islandand New York City where she immersed herself in acupuncture and herbal studies.
Upon completion of her master’s degree in Oriental Medicine, Ura spent some time being exposed to sports rehabilitationand it’s therapeutic methods at a Physical Therapy office. Furthermore, she completed her doctorate program forTraditional Chinese Medicine while gaining thorough clinical experience in trigger point therapy and in interpretingdiagnostic imaging studies.
Her treatment methodology entails both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western medicine in order to achieve the bestoutcomes for her patients, both physically and mentally. She is well-versed in areas such as sports medicine,gastrointestinal disorders, mental/emotional disorders, and facial rejuvenation along with giving advice on appropriate dietand lifestyles.